The Need for Sleep

The Need for Sleep

We all need it, and yet we all struggle to get it. It makes us do better in every area of our lives, and yet we treat it as if it is optional. It helps us achieve our goals, yet if we don’t get it, we cannot become all we were meant to be. So what is it? Sleep.

What Are You Planting?

What Are You Planting?

A few years ago, my husband and I traveled to Montana in April. We were so excited for our trip to fly fish, horseback ride, and hiking- all the great things you do at a ranch. We kept watching the weather thinking it was going to be great weather. The forecast was showing around 70 degrees during the day and in the 50’s at night. We were imagining sitting out by the fire at night, enjoying fishing in the creek with fresh green grass all around us.

Ordinary Time, Explained

Ordinary Time, Explained

During those times of year when we shift away from the high celebrations of the church, think about how the early followers of Jesus felt as they no longer had the physical presence of their Lord.

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Jesus encourages us to love with real openness and honesty, but such love also brings great vulnerability. By loving and living in a way that we mourn deeply, we open ourselves up to incredible heartache, trouble, and hurt. But! We also draw closer to Jesus, and, with Him, there is potential for great joy because Jesus has overcome the world. (See John 16:33.) In other words, the risk of grief or mourning can be overwhelming. It is not easy to love people to a point where we mourn over hardship and loss. But, through it, God promises life-changing joy if we are willing to take the chance.